Choosing the Digital Cities participants was anything but easy. After a thorough examination of hundreds of applications, we chose eight hubs, five companies and one NGO from the Western Balkans. All of them are now working with us to connect the Western Balkans professionals from the creative industries with colleagues from the UK.
Meet the project participants

Spark is digital technology accelerator from Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is comprised of Spark school, Spark research and development, Spark start-up and Spark business. Each department has its own goals – to increase IT literacy among youth, to transform the IT industry in SEE region, to launch custom-developed products and to provide innovative, creative and effective marketing solutions, mainly for start-ups.
Protik Innovation Centre
Protik Innovation Center is a centre for development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Tirana, Albania. Their idea is to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, while increasing demand for ICT products and services.
Networks is a business centre and co-working space from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Networks’ goal is creation of affirmative eco-system for development of start-up businesses. They also support digitalization and rebranding of businesses through innovative services.
Jakova Innovation Centre
Jakova Innovation Center is a business incubator from Kosovo. Their aim is to educate new businesses in structuring their ideas considering market validation, product licensing, financial projections and fundraising and team working.
Open Data Kosovo
Open Data Kosovo is civic-tech organisation that believes that technology plays a crucial role in contributing to good governance, transparency, citizen engagement, and social good.
BSCBar is a business incubator from Bar, Montenegro. They support and facilitate the creation and growth of small and medium-sized businesses in Montenegro and support international collaboration: technology transfer, joint ventures and access to international market.
Deli is a creative co-working space from Nis, Serbia. They aim to identify the needs of creative people to be independent and networked, creating space for education, creative and permanent learning and improvement.
SEE-ICT is Serbian hub for technology, innovative entrepreneurship, social activism and networking. Their main mission is to educate 100.000 people in basic IT and entrepreneurial skills by year 2020 and help them find or create jobs in the IT industry.
EasyPay is Albanian company working in the business of digitalisation of financial services. It is an online and mobile payment platform and a one stop solution for providing faster bill payments.
GotSolution from Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of three different brands. JSGuru is a highly specialized JavaScript development shop, JSU is focused on educating kids and adults in IT, and Qlab is a coworking space that promotes values of entrepreneurship and possibilities of IT.
Cacttus from Prishtina is committed to delivering quality technology solutions and professional services in order to contribute to local and regional development.
InPlayer from Skopje, Macedonia has a long term goal to redefine the digital asset monetisation with the introduction of new technologies and improvement of the overall user experience.
Coprix from Belgrade, Serbia is creating teaching aids in form of applications, using latest technologies in order to provide adaptive & personalized educational experiences based on each child’s specific needs & strengths.
Montenegro’s is on a mission to help local citizens and organisations understand and seize exciting new opportunities for social change and business development in the digital environment.