For the parents out there, we have some ideas around how to keep your kids occupied. As the world’s English teaching experts, you have a stack of materials to help you learn together.

Games, songs and stories

Just because you are indoors doesn't mean you can't have some fun together. Sing songs, play games or watch stories and fairy tales with our LearnEnglish Kids website. All these will not only keep your kids entertained for hours but will also help them enrich their vocabulary and practise their English.

How-to videos

Help your children unlock their creative side with our how-to videos. From doing magic tricks to learning to tell the time, your kids will enjoy every minute. The more new things they learn, the more their confidence will grow. 

Learning English with Timmy

Young learners love learning time with Timmy and using YouTube. With our free YouTube series about Timmy and his friends, your kids will discover new words, whilst developing their creativity and imagination. 


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