One of the focuses of the upcoming Western Balkans Summit in the UK will be economic growth through the enhancement of digital capability. Leading up to the Summit, ’Digital Cities’ will aim to increase digital links and business capability in the Western Balkans. The programme will connect 12 cities across the UK with 12 cities across the Western Balkans through digital industries, with a focus on innovation in creative industries and technology in education.

We are now seeking to appoint Key Implementing Partners to conduct project activities in the Western Balkans and liaise with the UK partners according to agreed plan.

Introduction and background to the programme, tender conditions, contractual requirements and more information on how you can take part in this procurement process is available in the documents below. Deadline for submission of responses by potential suppliers is Friday 24 November 2017 by 17.00 CET.

If you need more information, please contact us.

  • Request for Proposal (Microsoft Word 139KB)
  • Annex: Supplier Response (Microsoft Word 102KB)