ProAccession Certificate Award Ceremony
Thursday 24 October 2013 - 00:00
Hotel Europe, Sarajevo

Certificate Award Ceremony

September/October 2013: ProAccession project continued with the first round of training delivered by institutional trainers from Ministry of Defence BiH, Ministry of Security BiH and State Investigation and Protection Agency BiH. The topics covered in the last five weeks with around 40 civil servants, directly involved in EU integration process, were Effective Meeting Skills and Presentation skills in the context of EU and NATO integration.

Simultaneously, local British Council professional skills trainers delivered Conflict Management training to around 40 participants from Ministry of Defence BiH and Ministry of Security BIH and Security Agencies. 

On 24 October 2013 at 16:30 we are to host a Certificate Award Ceremony for successful participants of all trainings together with guests and partners from MoD, MoS, Agencies and  British Embassy in Sarajevo. 

New round of training of institutional trainers

The new rounds of training for trainers from Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Security and Security Agencies will be held in the fourth and final year of the project. The first training of institutional trainers is planned for 24 October 2013 in Hotel Europe Sarajevo. 

15 newly selected trainers are to attend the sessions. The institutional trainers are the significant part of the project since they will carry on with the training after the final year of the project. 

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