Youth group
Wednesday 04 November 2015 - 15:19 to Wednesday 25 November 2015 - 18:00
Skopje, Macedonia

Encouraging entrepreneurship among young people in the Western Balkans is a regional project implemented by the British Council offices in the Western Balkan (Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia ) in cooperation with the ministries responsible for education and institutions engaged in support of entrepreneurial skills of young people. The project aims to promote youth entrepreneurship, development of entrepreneurial skills in order to improve their business and improvement of digital skills. Measures that encourage development of entrepreneurship through Institutional support will be promoted by using the experience of United Kingdom.

If you are interested to join us on this project, and share your knowledge and experiences with your peers from the region, and if you:

  • are between 21 to 30 years old;
  • have creative business ideas;
  • have started, or you are planning to start your own business;
  • possess a solid knowledge of English language.

we are inviting you to sign up for our free six-day training for young entrepreneurs, to be held from 7  to 12 of December 2015 in Skopje, as well as the opportunity to participate in competition promoting your business idea with chance to win.

If you are interested in participating, please send the filled application form  via e-mail by end of day on 25 November 2015 : 

Business ideas belonging to the domain of the creative industries are particularly welcome. Only selected candidates will be given the opportunity to attend training and compete for the prize.